A bit of insight into how to best care for your Chimes and what some of the materials we may reference mean.



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Brass is a durable alloy composed of copper and zinc. It’s uses are numerous and vary from functional to aesthetic. Here at Little Chimes we make our chimes out of brass components- the geometric shapes you see and their accompanying stems for placements in plants and tablescapes.

Brass is known to tarnish, corrode and/or oxidize with time. We sort of like this about the material as we feel it emulates the natural turning of seasons in a way. But of course, unlike seasons, there are ways to maintain brass and help it from turning as quickly.

To help the Chimes keep their golden shine we advertise and recommend them for interior plantscaping and decor as the brass is less likely to blemish (and certainly less quickly) when kept indoors. (Additionally, please note, Little Chimes are not meant to be outdoors in extreme weather, the brass will corrode more quickly when exposed to water, and should be brought indoors during such times). We also lightly coat chimes with a sealer to aid in keeping their shine, but this is also not a total permanent fix. The stems of the Chimes will likely turn color the fastest where they’re rooted in soil that gets wet (or occasionally water when in a vase alongside a bouquet), which is fine as it’s generally unseen.

For a quick polish you can use a bit of soap and warm water on a cloth to wipe brass down and follow up by wiping it dry with another cloth. There are also a myriad of home cleaning supplies such as Brasso, there is also a wealth of material online recommending natural brass care (like lemon, salt and flour).

Here is another helpful link regarding the composition of brass and its care.




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